How to Download Photos from Dropbox
If you ordered photos in person at a show, you will receive an email with a Dropbox link to download your photos. Click on the link to be taken to a webpage where you will see the photos in your order.
On a computer, you can download the images in one of two ways.
1. If you prefer to download all the images at once, click on the "Download" button from the page showing all of the images. This will download them in a Zip file to your computer's drive.
2. If you would prefer to download them one at a time, click on each photo, and then click the "Download" button that appears in the upper right corner of the page.
On a mobile device, downloading options may vary.
1. On a phone, you may only be able to download them one at a time.
2. If you have a Dropbox account, you can add them to your account all at once.
3. If you aren't sure how to download them, you can ask me, but please understand that my suggestions will be limited to the devices that I know and use. You will get better help by finding someone who has the same device as you and asking them.
Additional Comments
We have tried to get all of the photos loaded correctly, but sometimes we make mistakes. If you think something is missing or incorrect in some way, please reply to this email and we will be happy to fix any problems.
The link will be active for at least 60 days. Please make sure to download the photos within this timeframe. There is a $50 reactivation fee for expired links.
Make sure that you download the photos to your computer's hard drive. We also recommended that you make a backup copy on a different computer, an external hard drive, or a USB flash drive.
Please download and save the PDF "README" file. This is your printing release if you want to have the photos printed by Walmart, Walgreens, Target, etc. It also includes details about the acceptable uses of these photos, as well as some of the uses for which you are NOT licensed. This is not a comprehensive list of allowable uses, so if you are not sure, please reply to this email and ask. We are happy to clarify the licensing information for you.

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